Sunday, August 21, 2005

Was an interesting weekend

This weekend a few friends and I went geocashing, as this was my first time going out. Geocashing is alot of fun, and it's a great activity for everyone. If anyone is interested goto Geocashing
We started our own cache and hidden it some where on the out skirts of alberta, and posted the waypoints on the website. I would try to explain on how it works but I would be here for awhile lol!


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Oh my god it's sunday!!!!!

Sunday "YUCK" as you know by now I don't like sundays or mondays lol! Yup tomorrow's back to the slave & grind. I wonder what they'll give us for a job tomorrow? I hope something better than pickin weeds lol! "SO BORRING!!" Today is a day to relex and that's what I'm gonna do. One thing I would like to know is why my blog looks good using firefox but when I look at my blog with IE it does'nt look right Mmmm.....???? Does anyone know why? Please leave any comment if you know why and how to fix it. Thank you.


Friday, August 12, 2005

Well what do ya know it's friday!

Hello world! It's me again lol. The week went by, as I had a fairly good week. I'm counting my days to lay off from the city as we got less than 9 weeks to go. Tonight I'm having a few beers and starting to feel really good Woo Hoo!!! Don't know what i'm gonna do this weekend but i'm sure there's something to do dam it lol. Sitting at home just don't cut it, as its pretty borring. I need to win the lottery "Ya Right" I'm dreaming again dam it!!!! Another lame friday night Grrrrr...!!!! Well thats all I have for tonight.

See ya!!!!

Monday, August 01, 2005

It's Monday

Well the long weekend is over dam lol! Tomorrow is work day Yuck!! Earlier today went out for beer & chicken wings downtown. Then came back home and sat around like usual. A friend and I are thinkin to check out this 6 minute dating service, as it sound interesting lol. Doesn't hurt to check it out and see if I could find that speacil someone. Thats all I have done today, man I got to get a life lol :)
